Questions? We Have Answers.

Will Solar Increase Home Equity?

Yes, statistically a 6 to 8 percent increase is expected when you install solar energy in your home.

How Much Does Installation Cost?

The cost of solar installation varies greatly depending on factors such as the size of your home and the type of system you choose. Contact us for a full evaluation and quote.

Does Overseas Equipment Make A Difference? 

Usually, overseas equipment can vary in quality and long-term dilutes the quality of production.

How Much Am I Saving By Switching To Solar?

With Solar there are so many avenues to save money . Solar can save you 20-30% off your energy bill. Additionally, depending on the size of your project, various tax credits can further reduce your costs.

What Are Some Additional Benefits of Switching to Solar?

Switching to solar helps your wallet on energy costs as well as the environment. Solar power helps preserve natural resources and reduce pollution. Additionally, it increase the value of your home!

Who Do I Call If I Have Questions About My Plan?

Our experts at Opportunity Solar can help you find the best financing solution for your solar project. We work with a variety of lenders to ensure that you are getting the best rates and bang for your buck.

How Much Does Solar Cost Up-Front?

Typically qualified homeowners pay ZERO up-front!  With our campaign finance plans, you don't have to worry about any up-front costs. In fact, you start saving money right away with energy savings!

Is it difficult to switch from traditional energy sources to solar power?

No, not at all! Our team of experts will walk you through the entire process and make it as simple as possible.